21 products

Our collection of dumbbells are designed to meet all of your workout needs. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced weight lifter, our products will boost you to meet your fitness goals.


Crafted with high-quality low-odour rubber, and chrome handles, we ensure that our dumbbells will withstand intense workouts and last for many years. Every dumbbell is designed with an ergonomic knurled handle, minimising strain and maximising performance during your workouts.


We offer a wide range of dumbbell types, from 1KGs for beginners, 50KGs for advanced lifters. Our three main types include Hex, Round, and Adjustable.

Additional information for our dumbbells

  • Dumbbell exercises

  • Benefits of dumbbells

  • Dumbbells vs barbells

Dumbbells are the most versatile piece of gym equipment you can buy. They allow for full body workouts without the need of any other product and are a fantastic first-buy for new gym goers.


Here are some of the many workouts you can perform with a set of dumbbells:

  • Chest - incline dumbbell press, flat dumbbell press, chest fly
  • Shoulders - dumbbell shoulder press, shrugs
  • Back - Romanian deadlifts, dumbbell row, reverse fly
  • Arms - bicep curls, hammer curls, overhead tricep extension, tricep kickback
  • Legs - goblet squats, weighted lunges, glute bridge
  • Improved muscle activation - dumbbells require more stabilisation, thus increasing muscle growth as more muscles are engaged
  • Versatility - dumbbells can be used for every muscle group and come in wide range of weight options
  • Range of motion - dumbbells allow for a greater range of motion, which increases flexibility and allows you to tailor to your needs - unlike machines found in gyms
  • Convenience - dumbbells are ideal for home gyms as they take up minimal space, plus they are much cheaper than investing in machines
  • Improved balance - by training a single muscle group at a time, dumbbells allow for greater stability and overall performance
  • Scalability - you can easily progress with dumbbells by increasing weights or repetitions, allowing you to continuously grow your muscles
  • Rehabilitation and recovery - dumbbells are a great option for exercising when returning from injury due to their small weight options and increased range of motion

A common question we hear from our customers is “which is better for my workout: dumbbells or barbells?”


Barbells are much better for heavier lifting, focusing on exercises such as bench press, deadlifts, and rows. Meanwhile, dumbbells usually cap out at around 50-60 kg, focusing on lighter exercises such as dumbbell curls or tricep kickbacks.


However, this does not mean that you need a barbell to do a barbell exercise, or vice versa. For example, you could easily substitute bench press with a flat dumbbell press.


You should ultimately pick the exercise that best suits you. For beginners, we recommend going with dumbbells to start with, as you can easily increase the weight and scalability of your exercises.

Frequently asked questions

What dumbbells should I buy as a beginner?

For beginners, we recommend a 5KG - 20KG Set in 2.5KG increments. This set has all the weights you need for a variety of workouts for different muscle groups, and as a beginner allows you to start light and build up your strength and form, before increasing the weights.

Can I lift dumbbells everyday?

You can lift dumbbells everyday but it is definitely not recommended to train the same muscle group more than 2-3 times per week. Your muscles need time to recover and grow, otherwise you run the risk of overtraining and injuring yourself. Aim to workout between 3-5 days per week, targeting different muscle groups and giving yourself at least 2 days per week to rest.

When should I increase dumbbell weight?

You should look to increase your dumbbell weight once you can comfortably perform your target number of repetitions with proper form. For many, this sits between the 8-12 region, but will depend on the exercise, the weight, and your goal. For example, you will generally be able to lift much heavier weights on chest exercises as opposed to your biceps, so you will need to increase your weight more often.

Are dumbbell enough for strength training?

Yes, dumbbells are definitely enough for comprehensive strength training as they can target all major muscle groups through a variety of exercises. As you get more confident, you can look to incorporate new exercises and products into your workouts, such as barbellskettlebells, or medicine balls.

Using dumbbells safely

Safety is paramount with any workout or gym product - and dumbbells are no exception. Here are some tips to ensure you are safely using dumbbells during your workouts:

  • Warm up - warming up gives your muscles a chance to prepare for weight training. Stretches or light cardio work well here, but do not overexert yourself.
  • Cool down - equally as important as warming up, cooling down returns your body to its natural resting state, and helps to ease muscle fatigue. Again, you can opt for stretches or light cardio.
  • Form - Proper form is incredibly important when using dumbbells, as improper form can cause injury. Starting light and focusing on controlled movements help gain confidence with form.
  • Correct weight - Beginners should always opt with a lower weight until they learn proper form. Once you are more experienced, ensure you choose a weight that is both challenging but one you can still lift with proper form.
  • Proper storage - Storing your dumbbells on a rack or somewhere tucked anyway minimises any potential trips or falls.
  • Use a spotter - for starting out, or for heavier weights, using a spotter to guide you alleviates any risk of injury.
  • Rest and recovery - rest days are vital for building muscle. Ensure that you are resting at least 2 days per week to give yourself time to recover between workouts.
  • Hydration - whilst this may be obvious, water fuels your body and removes potential fatigue or dehydration, thus improving your workouts.